- Please follow all template instructions including safe areas (contact us for templates)
- Build art files at 100% scale (ACTUAL SIZE)
- 75-125 PPI (See templates for resolution)
- CMYK, use Pantones if available (Solid Coated).
- DO NOT Place crop marks on top of artwork. Place on outside of artwork.
- Convert all text/fonts to curves
- Convert all lines to paths
- Delete template guidelines before saving print files or place on separate non visible layer
- Please supply Proof/Mockup for reference when possible
- Print-ready PDF's are preferred.
- Raster files can be supplied as Flattened Tifs
- AI, EPS, JPG, PSD (LZW Compression) files are also acceptable if required
- Create GRADIENTS in Photoshop and Add noise to gradient to mitigate banding
- Create DROP SHADOWS & TRANSPARENCY EFFECTS in Photoshop to avoid issues
- When saving in Photoshop, use LZW Compression
- When saving very large files in Illustrator, de-select "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities"
- Colour gradients cannot be colour matched.
- Colour results overall will differ from one printer or print material to another. Printing project items at different times/days may also cause colour shifts.
Note that colours on monitors will differ from screen to screen. Please supply Pantones or a colour proof if colour matching is required.
For more information on graphics, please contact our design department at